I've invited you, the FDA Digital students at Leeds to join me in co-producing this blog. I hope you'll use it, with me, as a place to share, learn, develop and practice all things digital.
I've included some great examples ( in my opinion) of blogs and invite you to join in here. Engage. Interact.
I loved what Ross (designer/blogger/aspiring zookeeper who works in LCC's marketing department) had to say about learning new stuff. Its a pretty good approach to life. After all who wants to stand still? You snooze, you lose! And comfort zone is dull. So every year I make a promise, set a goal. It might be to learn something new, enrol on a course, set myself a target. Last year I wanted to improve my fitness so I set out to enter a 10k race and try and complete it in under 1 hour. Okay, so the first time I got 1 hour 6 minutes but the second time? 54 minutes! yeah.
This year, the plan was to set up a website and blog and get myself 'digital'!
well....its early days, but I'm giving it a go.
So I want you guys to set yourself a target. Something about learning, living, improving, achieving, trying something new. You may or may not want to share. Its up to you.
In the meantime, dig about, find some great examples of good blogs or websites, share links, clips etc, what is it that makes them so great?
Here's the link to the website Ross recommended:
We'll build as we go....
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